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Acne & Problem Skin Treatments


Microdermabrasion helps to clear breakout prone skins by vacuuming off the dead skin and oily blockages which create blemishes. A course of 4-6 treatments performed fortnightly to begin with, gives good results. Monthly treatments assist with maintenance.

Peels and appropriate homecare products used in conjunction with Microdermabrasion will enhance results.

Acne Treatment

Blue Light Therapy

The inflammation (redness, swelling and pus formation) of acne is caused by bacterial activity within the blocked-up pores.

While some of our Acne treatments work by helping to unblock the excess oil and dead skin from the pores, Blue light targets the bacterial activity. Blue light creates an antibacterial effect on the skin by activating certain chemical molecules which are released by acne bacteria. When these molecules are activated by the blue light, we see a chemical reaction inside them which results in the production of Oxygen. Oxygen destroys the acne bacteria, and we then see a reduction in the infection and inflammation of acne lesions.

Weekly treatments are usually required initially, then decreasing to fortnightly or monthly treatment as we achieve control over the breakouts.      

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